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Angelicum Thomistic Institute Annual Pinckaers Chair Conference

The Angelicum Thomistic Institute is pleased to present conferences held by our Pinckaers Chair in Theological Anthropology and Ethics 

Named after Fr. Servais Pinckaers, OP, the chair exists for understanding and research pertaining to the human person, grounded in the theological and  philosophical wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Pinckaers was instrumental in the 20th century for recovering  an approach to ethics characterized by the search for happiness, virtue  theory and an understanding of human freedom grounded in the notion of  teleological flourishing. His research, both historical and thematic,  has altered the field of ethics and led to new branches of study in  anthropology and metaphysics, often in conversation with dogmatic  theology as well as modern sciences and social theory. Fr. Simon Francis Gaine, OP is the first and present holder of the chair.

The Second Annual Pinckaers Chair Conference "Eschatology and the Human Person" will be held on December 2-3, 2022 at the Angelicum in Rome.

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